how to take care of a kalanchoe plant

Kalanchoe Whisperer: Insider Tips for Thriving Plants

How to Take Care of a Kalanchoe Plant: The Ultimate Guide

Kalanchoe plants are beloved for their vibrant blooms and easy-care nature. Whether you’re a seasoned plant parent or a beginner, learning how to take care of a kalanchoe plant can help you enjoy these colorful succulents for years to come.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about kalanchoe care, from watering and light requirements to pruning and propagation techniques.

Understanding Kalanchoe Plants

Before diving into care instructions, let’s get to know these fascinating plants:

  • Scientific name: Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (most common species)
  • Common names: Flaming Katy, Christmas kalanchoe, florist’s kalanchoe
  • Native to: Madagascar
  • Plant type: Succulent, perennial
  • Size: 6-18 inches tall and wide
  • Bloom time: Seasonal, can bloom year-round with proper care

Kalanchoe Plants

Kalanchoe Flowering Season

One of the most appealing aspects of kalanchoe plants is their ability to bloom for extended periods. While they naturally flower in late winter to early spring, with proper care, you can encourage blooms throughout the year.

Here’s what you need to know about the kalanchoe flowering season:

  1. Natural cycle: In their native habitat, kalanchoes typically bloom from December to April.
  2. Indoor plants: With controlled light exposure, indoor kalanchoes can bloom at various times.
  3. Bloom duration: Flowers can last 2-6 weeks, depending on care and environmental conditions.
  4. Reblooming: After the initial flowering period, kalanchoes need a rest period before producing new buds.

How Long Do Kalanchoe Plants Live?

With proper care, kalanchoe plants can be long-lived companions in your home or garden. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Lifespan: 2-5 years on average, but can live longer with excellent care
  • Factors affecting longevity:
    • Proper watering and drainage
    • Adequate light exposure
    • Regular pruning and maintenance
    • Protection from extreme temperatures
  • Propagation: Easily propagated, allowing you to create new plants from your original

Essential Kalanchoe Care Tips

Now, let’s delve into the specifics of how to take care of a kalanchoe plant to ensure it thrives and produces abundant blooms.

  1. Light Requirements

Kalanchoes love bright light but can be sensitive to direct sunlight. Finding the right balance is key to their health and blooming potential.

  • Indoors: Place near a bright, south-facing window with filtered light
  • Outdoors: Partial shade to full sun, with protection from harsh afternoon rays
  • Winter care: Provide bright, indirect light to maintain plant health

Pro tip: Rotate your kalanchoe regularly to ensure even growth and prevent leaning towards light sources.

  1. Watering Needs

As succulents, kalanchoes are drought-tolerant and prefer to dry out between waterings. Overwatering is one of the most common issues in kalanchoe care.

  • Frequency: Water every 2-3 weeks, or when the soil is completely dry
  • Method: Water thoroughly until it drains from the bottom of the pot
  • Seasonal adjustments: Reduce watering in winter when growth slows

kalanchoes are drought-tolerant

Warning signs of improper watering:

  • Overwatering: Yellowing leaves, soft stems, root rot
  • Underwatering: Drooping, wrinkled leaves
  1. Soil and Potting

Proper soil and potting are crucial for kalanchoe health and longevity.

  • Soil type: Well-draining, sandy or loamy mix
  • Recommended mix: 50% potting soil, 50% cactus mix or perlite
  • Pot selection: Choose a container with drainage holes
  • Repotting: Annually in fall after blooming, or when rootbound
  1. Temperature and Humidity

Kalanchoes prefer warm temperatures and can tolerate average indoor humidity levels.

  • Ideal temperature range: 55-80°F (13-27°C)
  • Minimum temperature: 50°F (10°C)
  • Humidity: Average room humidity is sufficient
  • Protection: Keep away from cold drafts and heat sources
  1. Fertilizing

While not heavy feeders, kalanchoes benefit from regular fertilization during their growing season.

  • Frequency: Monthly during spring and summer
  • Type: Balanced, water-soluble fertilizer (10-10-10)
  • Application: Dilute to half-strength and apply after watering
  • Winter care: Cease fertilizing during dormancy periods
  1. Pruning and Maintenance

Regular pruning helps maintain the plant’s shape and encourages new growth and blooms.

  • When to prune: After flowering or in early spring
  • What to remove: Dead or yellowing leaves, spent flower stalks
  • Shaping: Pinch back stems to promote bushiness
  • Deadheading: Remove faded flowers to encourage reblooming
  1. Propagation Techniques

Kalanchoes are easy to propagate, allowing you to expand your collection or share with friends.


  1. Stem cuttings:
    • Cut a 3-4 inch stem with leaves
    • Remove lower leaves and let the cut end callous for a few days
    • Plant in well-draining soil and keep lightly moist
  2. Leaf cuttings:
    • Remove a healthy leaf with the base intact
    • Let it callous for a few days
    • Place on top of well-draining soil
    • Roots and new plants will form at the leaf base
  3. Offsets:
    • Gently separate offsets from the mother plant
    • Ensure each offset has roots
    • Plant in a new pot with well-draining soil

Common Kalanchoe Problems

Troubleshooting Common Kalanchoe Problems

Even with the best care, kalanchoes can sometimes face issues. Here’s how to identify and address common problems:

  1. Leggy growth:
    • Cause: Insufficient light
    • Solution: Move to a brighter location, prune to encourage bushiness
  2. Leaf drop:
    • Cause: Overwatering or temperature stress
    • Solution: Adjust watering schedule, ensure proper temperature range
  3. Pest infestations (aphids, mealybugs):
    • Signs: Sticky residue, visible insects
    • Treatment: Wipe leaves with rubbing alcohol, use insecticidal soap
  4. Powdery mildew:
    • Appearance: White, powdery coating on leaves
    • Treatment: Improve air circulation, apply fungicide if severe
  5. Failure to bloom:
    • Cause: Incorrect light exposure, lack of dormancy period
    • Solution: Provide 14 hours of darkness daily for 6 weeks to trigger blooming

Seasonal Kalanchoe Care

Adjusting your care routine throughout the year can help your kalanchoe thrive in changing conditions.

Spring and Summer:

  • Increase watering frequency as growth accelerates
  • Begin fertilizing monthly
  • Monitor for pests more frequently
  • Provide bright, indirect light


  • Reduce watering as growth slows
  • Stop fertilizing
  • Repot if necessary
  • Begin light manipulation for winter blooming


  • In Winter Minimize watering, allowing soil to dry completely between waterings
  • Protect from cold drafts
  • Provide bright light but avoid direct sun
  • Enjoy blooms if light cycle was manipulated in fall

How to Keep Kalanchoe Blooming

To encourage continuous or repeated blooming, follow these tips:

  1. Light manipulation: • Provide 14 hours of complete darkness daily for 6 weeks • Use a closet or cover the plant to ensure darkness • After 6 weeks, return to normal light conditions
  2. Deadheading: • Remove spent flowers regularly • Cut flower stalks back to the base of the plant
  3. Proper nutrition: • Use a high-phosphorus fertilizer to promote blooming • Apply monthly during the growing season
  4. Optimal conditions: • Maintain ideal temperature and light conditions • Avoid overwatering, which can inhibit blooming
  5. Patience: • Allow for rest periods between blooming cycles • New buds typically appear 4-6 weeks after light manipulation

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you take care of a Kalanchoe plant indoors?

To care for an indoor kalanchoe, provide bright, indirect light, water sparingly when the soil is dry, use well-draining soil, and maintain temperatures between 55-80°F. Fertilize monthly during the growing season and prune after flowering to maintain shape.

How often do you water a Kalanchoe?

Water kalanchoe plants every 2-3 weeks, or when the soil is completely dry. Adjust frequency based on light, temperature, and humidity levels. Always err on the side of underwatering rather than overwatering.

Does Kalanchoe like sun or shade?

Kalanchoes prefer bright, indirect light. They can tolerate some direct morning sun but should be protected from harsh afternoon rays. Indoors, place near a south-facing window with filtered light for best results.

How do you keep Kalanchoe blooming?

To keep kalanchoe blooming, provide 14 hours of complete darkness daily for 6 weeks to trigger bud formation. Deadhead spent flowers, use a high-phosphorus fertilizer, and maintain optimal growing conditions. Allow for rest periods between blooming cycles.


Learning how to take care of a kalanchoe plant can reward you with vibrant, long-lasting blooms and a hardy, attractive houseplant. By providing the right balance of light, water, and nutrients, you can enjoy these colorful succulents for years to come.

Remember to adjust your care routine seasonally and don’t be afraid to experiment with propagation to expand your kalanchoe collection. With patience and attention, you’ll become a master of kalanchoe care in no time!

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